Who? 11th and 12th gr. students
What? RISE Philadelphia is excited to offer 11th and 12th Grade students personal statement writing support. Students will work with a RISE Philadelphia Graduate Student Mentor to brainstorm essay topics or edit an essay you have written so far!
Questions? Email
Who? Rising 6th graders and rising 8th graders
When? Saturday mornings, 2x a month during the school year.
Where? a free academic year youth leadership experience, designed to involve students as an integral part of The Franklin Institute. It combines science enrichment, career development, mentoring, and leadership opportunities for diverse middle and high school students in the Philadelphia region. PACTS students will experience hands-on science workshops, environmental research, science themed field trips, and much, much more.
Who? Ages 2-17
What? Mighty Writers offers many different programs in English and in Spanish for kids 3 to 17. Mighty Writer’s teaches kids to think clearly so they can write with clarity.
Who? Youth with disabilities, ages 14 - 21
Where? 2350 West Westmoreland Street
When? Varies.
What? Opportunities to mentor, training on secondary transition, connection to peers, participation in civic engagement for youth with disabilities.
Who? K-3
What? led by Philadelphia's Office of Children and Families, Philly Reading Coaches is a program for K-3 Philadelphia students that combines early reading support, access to books, and community volunteers to boost reading skills for our city’s children.
Who? K-12
Where? Multiple locations
When? Afterschool, summer, weekends
What? After-school programs offered by the City of Philadelphia with focus areas ranging from academic to athletic to self-development!
What? If you live, work, or pay taxes in Philadelphia's you can get a library card for free.